Sagittarius Season Forecast: Aim True

That Astrologer, Fairlie Theta
6 min readNov 27, 2020

2020 has been a year of shadows, commanding us to step up and face our fears, to answer for our past once and for all. We’ve had our share of Tower moments, events both public and private, decrees from the divine to start over and change course. But after Scorpio Season’s alchemical transformation, working through the 8th House mysteries, the shadows have begun to clear. There’s finally a target in sight.

Thanks in part to the North Node in Gemini, duality has been an important part of this year’s lesson. Each passing season seems to emphasize that there are…



That Astrologer, Fairlie Theta

Fairlie Theta is a professional astrologer and a lifelong student of esoterica, marrying symbolism, semiotics, and psychology || See more at