Reform and Revolution: Astromythology and Uranus (Part 2)

That Astrologer, Fairlie Theta
5 min readFeb 1, 2021
Jack Gaughan, 1966

This article is the second part of a continuing series on mythology and astrology. Read part one here.

In 2018, Uranus moved into Taurus for the first time since 1934, dancing back into Aries during its annual retrograde before settling in for good in 2019. We could examine this under a historical lens, talk about the state of financial wellness and all the ways our attitudes around comfort and resources changed during that time, but that’s a different article. We’re here to talk about mythology and while Taurus has its own mythological origins, it can easily be seen as the embodiment of the Earth Mother archetype. Considering the infamous maltreatment of his Earth Goddess wife, it’s safe to say Uranus doesn’t have the best relationship with Earth. Taurus is a sign that nurtures slow, sustainable growth. It rules all the comforts of the sensual world. It is not a sign that appreciates the static-electric shakeup that Uranus delivers, but it’s also an energy completely aligned with Gaia, Ouranus’ long-suffering wife and primary victim. Appropriately, when Robert Cross assigned the planet’s essential dignities, he designated Taurus as the sign of Uranus’ fall — at the very least, this seems to ring true. Its stay in Taurus was destined to be tense as it requires us to reevaluate concepts we’ve always counted on without question: finance…



That Astrologer, Fairlie Theta

Fairlie Theta is a professional astrologer and a lifelong student of esoterica, marrying symbolism, semiotics, and psychology || See more at